So yesterday I found out my mom has cancer. She's gonna have a hysterectomy in the next little bit. But she has really low iron, which shes always had, so before she can have surgery she'll have to go in for iron treatments for a while. Then I don't know if there will be any kind of radiation or chemo or anything like that. she is expecting to miss a month of work so I imagine it'll be something like that
So far it really hasn't had a big impact on me. It sounds like they found it early and the doctors pretty much think that this will be the end of it after the surgery, so for the moment I'm not worried. As I learn more that could change, but for now I'm not too scared, and neither are my parents. My mom was crying a bit when she told me, but for the rest of the night we just watched tv and joked around and argued about dishes like always. we're just going about our normal stuff for now. I'm not sure when she'll start doing all this stuff but I imagine they'd want to do it pretty quickly. anyway, this is short, not much to say.
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